● Indoor requirements: temperature 23 ℃± 2, humidity 50% ± 5, cleanliness ≥ 0.5 μ ≤ 18000 grains/l
● There are information security requirements
Main requirements:
● Reliability: at least 99.999%, the system has no single point of failure, and the failure problem can be removed within 10 minutes or there is a backup scheme for switching.
● Energy saving: high energy efficiency equipment shall be used, and the system energy saving design, operation energy saving and design energy saving shall be considered.
● Economy: the overall investment is cost-effective, and the cost of capital can be reduced by investing in batches.
● Maintainability: low maintenance cost, low professional requirements and low maintenance difficulty.
Recommended solution:
● The main demand order of the military data center is: reliability first, economy and energy conservation second
● For the conventional load area of large and medium-sized data centers larger than 500 ㎡, it is recommended to use FPM medium and large machine room air conditioning series water-cooled units, double cooling source units, chilled water double coil units or single coil units; In the high heat density load area, it is recommended to use FPR in row room dedicated air conditioning series water-cooled or chilled water units; In the modular data center area, it is recommended to use FPR in row room dedicated air conditioning series chilled water units.
● For the conventional load area of small and medium-sized data centers less than 500 ㎡, it is recommended to use FPM large and medium-sized machine room air conditioning series air-cooled units; In high heat density load area or modular data center area, it is recommended to use FPR in row room dedicated air conditioning series air-cooled units;